T5. Th1 23rd, 2025
A Practical Guide To Toxin-Free Living


Learning about toxins and how they creep into seemingly every crevice of our lives is overwhelming.

You need: 

  • Reliable information
  • The skills to find toxin-free products
  • Buy-in from your family
  • To make lifestyle changes

Meanwhile, you’re wondering why? Why isn’t there more urgency (or awareness) from governments and suppliers to protect the public from these harmful chemicals?

It’s a mystery to me!

With these barriers, it’s understandable why going toxin-free is put on the back burner. The too hard basket. At the bottom of the to-do list.

Being a mindful consumer, whether it’s toxins, sustainability or cruelty-free, is all a big pain in the ass. 

My wife (girlfriend at the time) Maša sold me, no made me, get on the toxin-free living train from the moment we moved in together in 2011. I didn’t care much for it. 

I was more horrified at the prices of organic items and sceptical that these “natural” cleaning products would remove stubborn ketchup stains or whether these “natural” deodorants would do anything for my odour after a 2-hour basketball scrimmage.

But over a decade into a toxin-free lifestyle, I’m nothing but grateful to Maša for significantly reducing our exposure to these toxins. 

And as someone resistant, doubtful and more concerned about price than my health, I can tell you that:

  1. Transitioning to toxin-free is difficult at first, but everything will become second nature a couple of years in. 
  2. You’ll become more aware of your sensitivities to toxins, motivating you to sustain your toxin-free behaviour.
  3. While it’s generally more expensive to buy natural products, you’ll find ways to reduce costs significantly.

Being toxin-free can be easy and part of your family’s lifestyle. Ultimately, this is your journey, but I’ve written this guide to help you save time by taking small actionable steps towards toxin-free living. But before we begin, let’s define some terminology.

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